From 1987 to 1995, I wrote a column for the Windward Oahu News called “Natural Success”. The main thrust of my column was to elucidate five “natural principles” and to apply them to five areas of life. By “natural”, I mean that these principles occur according to nature. Just as a ball drops when you let if fall from your grasp by opening your hand, nature operates constantly and everything in the world follows natural rules or principles often without you realizing it.
Those natural principles which I called Natural Success principles are: I AM, Truth, Balance, the Whole, and Creation. I divided the major life areas into the following: mind, body, love, sex, and money. Applying the five natural principles to the various areas of life will “naturally” lead to success, Natural Success.
The major underlying premise in all of this is that nature underlies all things. Even those things that we think of as “unnatural” are derived at some point from “nature”. Man has made them appear “unnatural” but that, too, is a natural process that only seems unnatural because it does not exactly occur in nature or in a forest.
If we understand natural principles more fully, we can harness its power to create a life of health and happiness and ultimately achieve “natural success”. Rather than fight nature, we would go along with it to get the results we want out of life. This idea of going with the flow is exemplified by the martial art of aikido. The aikido practitioner does not resist his assailant but rather taps into the energy of his opponent only to turn it around back to them.
The articles included on are from the original published articles written for the Windward Oahu News.
For a period of time, I ran seminars called Natural Success. It involved 12 hours of training in the 5 Natural Success principles and the 5 areas of life. I did 3 or 4 seminars.
More than 20 years have elapsed since I first put forth these natural principles. It is nice to see that something so fundamental as nature or a natural principle endures and will endure forever because of its integral role in the workings of the world.
Many of the principles delineated are not fully corroborated by science. Yet, of course, science, in the end, must reveal these same principles from its own perspective. My intuition tells me that research using these principles in mind can foretell or predict the outcome of experimental pursuits. In our coping with life, we cannot wait for scientific research to validate those underlying principles. We must live our lives with what we know now and use those principles to guide us.
To access all of my articles on Natural Success go to