


The Backknobber is an S-shaped massage tool that is used in the Do-in Massage Sequence.
In traditional Do-in, no massage tool is used. The Backknobber has been included in line with the Natural Success principle of the Whole. That principle states that “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts”. It is the idea of synergy where 2+2 is greater than 4. When you massage the whole body you get a health benefit that is greater than just massaging those same parts.
In the past, do-in practitioners would often partner with shiatsu practitioners because the shiatsu practitioners could then massage their inaccessible backs. Because I encourage self-reliance and self-health, I have incorporated the Backknobber so that the do-in practitioner need not rely on anyone and can achieve the profound benefits of Do-in, following the principle of the Whole, by massaging their own back.