Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced since at least 1400 BC. It serves the entire Sinosphere consisting of mainland China and other East Asian countries subject to Chinese culture.
Central to the practice of TCM is the concept of qi (pronounced chee), the vital force of the body. TCM asserts that all disease is a result of an imbalance or blockage of qi flow in the body. When the acupuncturist stimulates needles applied to acupuncture points, he is attempting to balance qi flow. Similarly, the primary purpose of do-in is to balance and relieve any blockage of qi flow in the body.
The tachi classics say “where the mind goes, the qi goes”. TCM says “where the qi goes, the blood goes”. When you practice do-in, it is not simply the massaging of a body part. Crucial to the flow of qi is the mindfulness of the area being massaged. The result is that with do-in, the qi will flow and the blood will flow. The cells of the body will be bathed with oxygen and nutrients and also cleansed of carbon dioxide and toxins. The body is thereby given maximal support for optimal health.